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The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), in cooperation with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), invites Early Career Scientists (ECS) to apply for the IASC Fellowship Program 2016.
The IASC Fellowship Program is meant to engage ECS in the work of the IASC Working Groups (WGs): Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Marine, Social & Human and Terrestrial. Each year, one Fellow per WG is chosen. IASC Fellows are doctoral or postdoctoral researchers who actively participate in selected activities of the IASC WGs. They are expected to scientifically contribute but also to help organizing specific activities and to coordinate the reporting to the IASC Secretariat. Thus, the Fellowship Program provides the opportunity for ECSs to become involved in leading-edge scientific activities at a circumarctic and international level, to build an international network of contacts and also to develop management skills.
The total duration of the IASC Fellowship Program is 1+2 years. In their first year, selected Fellows will receive travel support to attend two consecutive Arctic Science Summit Weeks (ASSWs) where the annual WG meetings are held. After the first year, Fellows have the opportunity to stay involved for up to 2 more years without dedicated funding support from IASC and the further involvement is individually decided by the WG Steering Group and the Fellow.
For more information please see http://iasc.info/home/iasc/iasc-fellowship-program or contact the IASC Fellowship Coordinator Maja Lisowska: maja.maslowska@gmail.com.
For this round of applications, interested ECSs have to fulfill the following criteria:
PhD student/candidate or postdoctoral researcher (up to 5 years past the PhD)
How to apply:
If you are interested in this amazing opportunity then please send us:
Please send your application to info@apecs.is no later than 12 GMT on 15 November 2015.
Successful applicants will be notified before the end of the year.
Dr. Volker Rachold
Executive Secretary
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
Telegrafenberg A43, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Secretariat +49-331-2882214
Direct +49-331-2882212
Mobile +49-160-90664174
Fax +49-331-2882215
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Your opportunity to become a Young National Correspondent in GTN-P!
Dear PYRN member,
Are you an early career permafrost enthusiast and familiar with permafrost and
active layer measurements or databases? Here is the perfect opportunity for you to
become internationally engaged as Young National Correspondent in the Global
Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (gtnp.org).
We are collecting active layer thickness and temperature data from boreholes to
input into the GTN-P international database. We plan to present a major report at
the ICOP2016 in Potsdam and plan to prepare a high level publication. Furthermore,
we will organize a GTN-P session during ICOP2016 as well as a “data management
course” during the Permafrost Young Researchers Workshop beforehand. Here, we`ll
teach candidates how to work with the GTN-P database. It`s not complicated and
you`ll have the unique opportunity to work with experienced permafrost researchers
and help them to improve the global database on permafrost!
What we offer:
-‐ You will receive the official title
“Young National Correspondent for >your country< in GTN-P”
-‐ You`ll have the opportunity to apply for travel support to GTN-P workshops
and meetings (e.g. the ICOP2016).
-‐ You will be empowered to contact institutions and researchers, spread
your name, be active and establish yourself as permafrost scientist. This
way you will contribute to a very important scientific progress, to grow the
world’s early warning system for permafrost thawing.
Your task:
-‐ Your responsibility would be to work closely with the other Young National
Correspondents and National Correspondent(s) in your country, to find
available data and submit it to the GTN-P database. If you need
assistance, the GTN-P secretariat is always within reach.
If you are interested, please send a brief application (ca. 5 sentences and a short
CV) to the National Correspondent of your country:
Deadline is 20th of December 2015.
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Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии РФ при поддержке Правительства Москвы, Российской Академии Наук, МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова и общероссийской общественной организации «Деловая Россия» традиционно проводит Федеральный Арктический Форум «Дни Арктики в Москве», который стал одним из крупнейших событий арктической тематики как в Москве, так и в России.
Участие в мероприятиях форума примет Министр природных ресурсов и экологии РФ Сергей Донской, а также руководство исполнительной власти арктических регионов, представители крупного и среднего бизнеса, российские и зарубежные ученые, занимающиеся исследованием и изучением арктического региона.
Основные цели мероприятий – привлечение внимания к природным, историческим и культурным объектам Арктики, к вопросам интенсификации промышленного освоения региона, к решению экологических задач.
В рамках «Дней Арктики в Москве» в 2015 году состоятся следующие мероприятия: деловая сессия «Деловой климат Арктики» и II международная научная конференция «Открытая Арктика». Также на одной из центральных выставочных площадок Москвы в ноябре будет открыта мультимедийная экспозиция «Арктика», посетить которую смогут все желающие.
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