April 4, 2018

Our Magazine is nominated for the Chrystal Compass Award

Nauka I Tekhnika v Yakutii (Science and Technology in Yakutia) has been nominated for the Chrystal Compass Award in the Best Media Coverage category. This prestigious national award under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society and Gazprom recognizes achievements in national geography, environmental protection, preservation and popularization of the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Russia. In all, 327 projects and campaigns from 68 Russian regions and 23 foreign countries, including Australia, UK, Italy, Sweden, South Africa and Japan, have been nominated. Winners will be selected by a jury and public voting at http://rus-compass.ru/projects/. Voting will continue until April 30, 2018.

Nauka i Tekhnika v Yakutii is a popular science magazine dedicated to Yakutian science and technology. Established in 2001, the magazine is published by the Melnikov Permafrost Institute twice a year. The magazine seeks to foster communication across disciplines, disseminate scientific knowledge to the wider public, and promote a positive image of science and scientists. Nauka i Tekhnika v Yakutii publishes scientific research articles, reports on technological developments in Yakutia, expedition news, and discussions. It also includes papers on history, philosophy, medicine, and arts. Its regular columns, such as Rising Generation, Our Lecture Room, Diamond ABC, Museums and National Parks in Yakutia, World Around Us, Entertaining Science and Funny Quotes from Scientists, are intended to reach out to the younger audience. Other categories of the magazine’s content are conference reports, new books, and life sketches of outstanding Yakutian scientists.

Chrystal Compass