January 29, 2018

PhD Degree Successfully Defended by Sergei Stepanov

Congratulations to Sergei Stepanov, Technical Assistant at MPI's Laboratory of Permafrost Geothermics, who successfully defended his PhD dissertation on "Numerical Modeling of 3D Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer in Permafrost". Sergei's research supervised by Prof. Petr Vabishchevich, Nuclear Safety institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, developed shock-capturing finite-element algorithms for numerical investigation of two- and three-dimensional models of heat transfer in permafrost with phase change, as well as for numerical solution of the free convection problem. The temperature regime within the railway embankment was modeled using the observation data at test sites and heat losses from buildings on permafrost was theoretically estimated. The defense took place on January 26th at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk where Sergei holds a researcher position at the Computing Technologies Department. The full text of the dissertation is available on the NEFU website https://www.s-vfu.ru/upload/iblock/303/30383439c7b5e005130f5f331484fd02.pdf.

Stepanov diss