July 20, 2016

A Doctor Degree Dissertation by Leonid Neradovskii Approved for Defense

The Dissertation Council at MPI has accepted for defense a dissertation submitted by Leonid Neradovskii, Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Permafrost Engineering, for the Doctor of Science degree in specialty 25.00.08 – engineering geology, geocryology and geotechnical engineering. The dissertation titled “Methodological Bases for Electromagnetic Sounding of Frozen Ground within the Layer of Annual Temperature Variations” was evaluated positively by a commission consisting of Drs. R.V. Zhang, G.P. Kuzmin and A.V. Omelyanenko. The Council approved Dr. Y.B. Bashkuev, Institute of Physical Material Science (Ulan-Ude), Dr. V.I. Dzhurik, Institute of Earth Crust (Irkutsk) and Dr. A.V. Brouchkov, Moscow State University, as official opponents. The public defense of the dissertation is scheduled on 23 November 2016 at 9:00 a.m. The full text of the dissertation, as well as other related documents (in Russian) can be found here. Photo below: Leonid Neradovskii (right) and Alexander Fedorov during a field survey on a Lena River island. 

 Fedorov Neradovskii