The internationally recognized achievements of the Institute in the sphere of theoretical, regional and engineering geocryology are the result of creative work of many scientists. Some of those who made an outstanding contribution to the research activities of the Institute and to the development of many new lines in permafrost science passed away. We remember them with gratitude and reverence.

In memo


Nina P. Anisimova, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.


Dr. Anisimova developed cryohydrogeochemistry as a new subdiscipline in permafrost science. She was the first to investigate the chemistry of fresh and mineral groundwater springs in the middle Lena River basin, as well as to scrutinize the fundamental controls on groundwater and ground ice chemistry in permafrost environments. She advanced the hydrochemical method to gain new insights into the formation and dynamics of water-bearing taliks, the age of thermokarst lakes, and many other important issues. Dr. Anisimova established several monitoring sites in central Yakutia for long-term hydrochemical observations. Concurrently, she conducted laboratory investigations of chemical migration in sediments and ice at various boundary temperatures.

Years at MPI: 1948-2011

Important contributions:
-- Tolstikhin, O.N., Piguzova, V.M., Anisimova, N.P. et al. Hydrogeology of the USSR, vol. XX, Yakutian ASSR. Москва: Недра, 1970. – 383 pp.
-- Anisimova, N.P. Chemistry of Groundwater in Taliks, Central Yakutia. Москва: Наука, 1971. – 195 pp.
-- Anisimova, N.P. Cryohydrogeochemistry of the Frozen Zone. Новосибирск: Наука, 1981. – 153 pp.
-- Anisimova, N.P., Boytsov, A.V. Guidelines for Hydrogeochemical Studies as Part of Geotechnical Investigations in Permafrost Areas. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН. 2000. – 52 pp.
-- Shepelev, V.V., Anisimova, N.P., Boytstov, A.V., et al. Groundwater Monitoring in Permafrost Regions. Якутск: Изд-во ИМЗ СО РАН, 2002. – 172 pp.
-- Anisimova, N.P. Hydrogeochemical Methods for Permafrost Investigations, Practical Course. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 2004. – 78 pp.


Veniamin T. Balobaev, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.


   Dr. Balobaev was known for his significant contributions to thermophysical and geothermal research of permafrost. He began his scientific career at the Yakutsk field station of the Permafrost Institute in 1953 where he conducted geophysical investigations of permafrost in central and southern Yakutia. He was among the first to apply semiconductor thermistors to ground temperature measurement in deep boreholes.
    Dr. Balobaev gained his first organizational and leadership experience during the years when he was an assistant chief of the Obruchev Permafrost Institute’s expedition to western Yakutia. The goals of the expedition were to study permafrost and groundwater conditions in primary and placer diamond deposits that had been discovered in this region. Balobaev studied thaw processes in diamond-bearing sands and took in part in site selection and site investigations for the Vilyui hydroelectric power station, the first major hydroproject on permafrost. He pioneered modeling studies to predict the thermal behavior of the reservoir bed and dam foundation. In the position of head of the Laboratory of Geothermal Study and later deputy director of the Permafrost Institute, he focused on the thermal aspects of permafrost formation and evolution. Under his guidance, unique geothermal investigations were conducted in the Siberian permafrost zone which provided fundamental data on permafrost thickness and thermal parameters. This work was summarized in his well-known “Geothermics of the Frozen Zone of the Lithosphere in Northern Asia” published in 1991.
   In the later years of his career, Dr. Balobaev continued to be involved in a number of research projects. He contributed to the activities of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ (RAS) Scientific Councils on Earth Cryosphere and Geothermics, the Russian CliC National Committee, the Yakutian Academy of Sciences, and the RAS Siberian Branch Scientific Council on Earth Sciences. He was a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals. One of his major interests was global climate change and its effects on permafrost environments. An advocate of natural warming, he emphasized the role of the ocean in the Earth climatic system.
   Dr. Balobaev was a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He authored over 150 publications, including 8 monographs

Important contributions

-- Tolstikhin N.I., Tolstikhin, O.N., Balobaev, V.T. et al. Permafrost Science. Новосибирск: Наука, 1974. – 290 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Volodko, B.V., Devyatkin, V.N., Levchenko, A.I. Manual on Calibration and Use of Thermistors in Geothermal Measurements. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1977. – 77 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Pavlov, A.V., Perlshtein, G.Z. et al. Thermophysical Investigations of Siberian Permafrost. Новосибирск: Наука, 1983. – 215 pp.
-- Duchkov, A.D., Lysak, S.V., Balobaev, V.T. et al. Thermal Field of the Earth's Interior in Siberia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1987. – 193 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T. Geothermics of the Frozen Zone of the Lithosphere in Northern Asia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1991. – 191 pp.
-- Duchkov, A.D., Balobaev, V.T., Volodko, V.B. et al. Temperature, Permafrost, and Radiogenic Heat Generation in the Earth Crust in Northern Asia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1994. – 143 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Gavrilova, M.K., Skachkov, Y.B., Gavriliev, P.P. et al. A Review of the Current State and Future Trends in Yakutian Climate. Якутск: ЯФ Изд-ва СО РАН, 2003. – 52 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Ivanova, L.D., Nikitina, N.M., Shepelev, V.V. et al. Ground Water in Central Yakutia and Its Prospective Use. Новосибирск: Изд-во «ГЕО» СО РАН, 2003. – 137 pp.
-- Georgiadi A.G., Balobaev V.T., Shepelev V.V. et al. Water and Energy Cycle in Permafrost Regions of Eastern Siberia. Nagoya, Japan, 1999. 267 p.


Adrian I. Efimov, Ph.D. Geol.&Miner.


the founder of hydrogeological line of permafrost research, one of the discoverers of the Yakut artesian basin

Years at MPI: 1940-1957

Important contributions:
-- Use of Groundwater in the Central Yakutia Permafrost Region (1953)
-- Permafrost in the Iron Ore and Coal Deposits, Southern Yakutia (1960)
-- Field Geocryological (Permafrost) Investigations (1961)
-- Hydrogeology of the USSR, vol. XX, Yakutian ASSR (1970)


Sergey M. Fotiev, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.

(1927 - 2017)

A well-known scientist, geocryologist, educator and journal editor

Years at MPI: 1955-1961

Important contributions:
-- Groundwater and Frozen Ground in the South-Yakutian Coal-Bearing Basin (1965)
-- Geocryological Conditions in Central Siberia (1974)
-- Hydrogeothermal Features of the USSR Cold Region (1978)


Maria K. Gavrilova, D.Sc. Geogr., Prof.

(1928 - 2010)

Professor Gavrilova was internationally recognized for her fundamental studies on climate and permafrost relationships. She authored classic books on the cold regions climates and was a major figure in the Yakutian geographical science for half a century. Her monographs presenting baseline research are highly cited by current climate-change studies:

-- Climate in Central Yakutia (1960, 1973)

-- Radiation Climate of the Arctic (in Russian, 1963; in English, 1966)
-- Climate and Perennial Freezing of Ground (1978)
-- Present-day Climate and Permafrost on the Continents (1981, it was awarded the Litke Gold Medal of Geographical Society of the USSR)
-- Climates of the Earth’s Cold Regions (a textbook, 1998; additional printing in 2003).


Petr P. Gavriliev, D.Sc. Geogr., Prof.

(1935 - 2009)

Dr. Petr P. Gavriliev made outstanding contributions to environmental studies of northern agricultural lands.

Years at MPI: 1962-1978, 1988-2009

Important contributions:
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Guidelines for Determining the Regimes of Basin Irrigation of Meadows and Pastures in Central Yakutia. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1976. – 28 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P., Mandarov, A.A. Basin Irrigation of Meadows in Central Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1976. – 165 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P., Mandarov, A.A., Ugarov, I.S. Hydrothermal Reclamation of Agricultural Lands in Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1984. – 201 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Interim Guide for Land Reclamation in Arctic Yakutia. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1987. – 40 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Soil Investigation for the Design of Land-Reclamation Facilities on Permafrost: Manual to VSN 33- Soil Investigations for Land Reclamation. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1988. – 128 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Land Reclamation and Management in Ice-Rich Permafrost Areas of Yakutia. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1991. – 70 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Land Reclamation in Permafrost Areas of Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1991. – 184 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P. Drainage and Irrigation of Permafrost-Affected Soils in the North: A Textbook. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 1997. – 106 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P., Ugarov, I.S., Efremov, P.V. Permafrost-Ecological Characteristics of Taiga Agrolandscapes, Central Yakutia. Якутск: Изд-во ИМЗ СО РАН, 2001. – 196 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Gavrilova, M.K., Skachkov, Y.B., Gavriliev, P.P. et al. A Review of the Current State and Future Trends in Yakutian Climate. Якутск: ЯФ Изд-ва СО РАН, 2003. – 52 pp.
-- Fedorov, A.N., Maximov, T.Ch., Gavriliev, P.P. et al. Spasskaya Pad: Integrated Investigations of the Permafrost Landscapes. Якутск: Изд-во ИМЗ СО РАН, 2006. – 210 pp.
-- Argunov, R.N., Vasiliev, I.S., Gavriliev, P.P., Fedorov, A.N., Shepelev, V.V., Georgiadi, A.G. et al. Heat Exchange in Permafrost Landscapes and Its Controls, East Siberia. Москва – Тверь: ООО «Издательство “Триада”», 2007. – 576 pp.


Rev I. Gavriliev, D.Sc. Eng.


A well-known permafrost scientist, D. Gavriliev was well known for his studies on thermal properties of permafrost materials and land covers.

Years at MPI: 1961–2014

Important contributions:
-- Иванов Н.С., Гаврильев Р.И. Теплофизические свойства мерзлых горных пород. Справочное пособие. – М.: Наука, 1965. – 73 с. [Ivanov, N.S., Gavriliev, R.I. (1965). Thermal Properties of Frozen Soils. A Reference Book. Moscow: Nauka, 73 pp.].
-- Пособие по прогнозу температурного режима грунтов Якутии / Фельдман Г.М., Тетельбаум А.С., Шендер Н.И., Гаврильев Р.И. – Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1988. – 240 с. [Feldman, G.M., Tetelbaum, A.S., Shender, N.I., Gavriliev, R.I. (1988). Manual for Predicting Ground Temperature Regime in Yakutia. Yakutsk: Permafrost Institute, 240 pp.]
-- Гаврильев Р.И. Теплофизические свойства горных пород и напочвенных покровов криолитозоны. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 1998. – 280 с. [Gavriliev, R.I. (1998). Thermal Properties of Soils and Surface Covers in Permafrost Areas. Novosibirsk: SB RAS Press, 280 pp.].
-- Гаврильев Р.И. Теплофизические свойства компонентов природной среды в криолитозоне: Справочное пособие. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2004. – 146 с. [Gavriliev, R.I. (2004). Thermophysical Properties of Environmental Components in Permafrost Areas, Reference Book. Novosibirsk: SB RAS Press, 146 pp.].
-- Gavriliev R.I. (2004). Thermal properties of soils and surface covers. In: Thermal Analysis, Construction, and Monitoring Methods for Frozen Ground (ed. David C. Esch). ASCE, pp. 277-294.
-- Gavriliev, R.I. (2011). Analytical methods for estimating thermal conductivity of multi-component natural systems in permafrost areas, in: Animul Ahsan (Ed.), Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer. ISBN: 978-953-307-582-2, InTech.


Aldar P. Gorbunov, D.Sc. Geogr.


Outstanding permafrost scientist, glaciologist, well-known popularizer of geocryology

Years at MPI: 1971–2018

Important contributions:
-- Gorbunov, A.P. Ice in the Ground. Алма-Ата: Наука, 1982. – 93 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P. Permafrost in the Central Asian Region. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1986. – 57 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Titkov, S.N. Rock Glaciers on the Central-Asian Mountains. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1989. – 174 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Seversky, E.P., Titkov, S.N. Geocryological Conditions of the Tien-Shan and Pamir. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 1996. – 184 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Seversky, E.P., Titkov, S.N. Geocryological Conditions of the Tien-Shan and Pamir. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 1996. – 184 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Kovshar, A.F., Mvashchenko, A., Bisarieva, Sh. The Land of Mountains and Steppes. Астана: Изд-во пресслужбы президента РК, 2001.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Severesky, E.V. Mudflows near Almaty: Looking at the Past. Алматы: Издательский центр «Интерлиг», 2001.
-- Gorbunov, A.P. Permafrost on Mountains: from the Equator to the Polar Latitudes. Алматы: ОФППИ, «Интеграл», 2003.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Seversky, E.V. Geocryological Map of Kazakhstan (scale 1:5,000,000) and Explanatory Note. In: The National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, vol. 1 Natural Resources and Environments. Алматы: Изд-во «Республиканская картографическая фабрика Агентства РК по управлению земельными ресурсами», 2006.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Sevesrky, E.V. Geocryology of Kazakhstan. A Supplement to the National Atlas of Kazakhstan. Book 1. Алматы: Изд-во ТОО «DPI», 2006.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Seversky, E.V. Map of Rock Glaciers in the Dzhungar Alatau. Алматы: Изд-во Ин-та географии, 2008. – 17 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A., Bisarieva, Sh., Ivashchenko, A., and Sedelnikov, V. Central Asian Mountains. Алматы: Изд-во «Мектеп», 2009. – 359 pp.
-- Gorbunov, A.P., Gorbunova, I.A. Geography of the World’s Rock Glaciers. Москва: Т-во научных изданий КМК, 2010. – 131 pp.



Nikolai A. Grave, D.Sc. Geogr., Prof.


A distinguished researcher in the field of regional permafrost studies, Honored Science Worker of the Yakutian ASSR

Years at MPI: 1956-1966, 1975-2002

Important contributions:
-- Grave, N.A., Gavrilova, M.K., Gravis, G.F. et al. Ground Freezing and Glaciation in the Suntar-Khayata Range, Eastern Yakutia. Москва: Наука, 1964. – 143 pp.
-- Brown, J., Grave, N.A. Surface Disturbance and Protection in Northern Areas. Новосибирск: Наука, 1981. – 88 pp.


Stanislav E. Grechishchev, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.


A distinguished authority on permafrost engineering, Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation

Years at MPI: 1957–1967


Nikolai F. Grigoriev, Ph.D. Geogr.


One of the leading permafrost scientists, he made an outstanding contribution to both Russian Arctic and Antarctic research

Years at MPI: 1946–1969, 1973–1986

Important contributions
-- Grigoriev, N.F. Formation of Relief and Permafrost on the East Antarctic Coasts. Москва: Изд-во АН СССР, 1962. – 148 pp.
-- Grigoriev, N.F. Permafrost in the Coastal Areas of Yakutia. Москва: Наука, 1966. – 180 pp.
-- Grigoriev, N.F. Permafrost in the Coastal Zone of Western Yamal. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1987. – 112 pp.
-- Grigoriev, N.F. Permafrost and Hydrogeology of the Igarka Area. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 1992. – 56 pp.
-- Grigoriev, N.F. With Love to the Arctic. Новосибирск: Академическое изд-во «Гео». 2006. – 156 pp.


Nikolai S. Ivanov, D.Sc. Eng., Prof.


An outstanding scientist and science manager who pioneered thermophysical research in Yakutia.

Years at MPI: 1952–1968

Important contributions
-- Ivanov, N.S. Heat Exchange in Permafrost. Москва: Изд-во АН СССР, 1962. – 200 pp.
-- Ivanov, N.S., Gavriliev, R.I. Thermal Properties of Frozen Soils. A Reference Book. Москва: Наука, 1965. – 73 pp.
-- Ivanov, N.S. Heat and Mass Transfer in Frozen Ground. Москва: Наука, 1969. – 240 pp.
-- Ivanov, N.S. Modeling of Thermal Processes in Soils and Rocks. Москва: Наука, 1972. – 138 pp.


Rostislav M. Kamensky, D.Sc. Eng.


Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Full Member of the International and Russian Engineering Academies, Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium of the SB RAS Yakutian Scientific Centre, Director of the Melnikov Permafrost Institute in 1988-2002

   Rostislav M. Kamensky was born on 7 April 1936 in Orenburg, Russia. In 1953 he graduated from a high school and entered the Kuybyshev Institute of Engineering at Moscow. For 50 years, his life was inseparably associated with Yakutia, permafrost science and the Permafrost Institute where he began to work in 1958 as a graduate student. During these years Dr. Kamensky established himself as one of the leading permafrost researchers in this country and internationally.
   R.M. Kamensky made significant contribution to permafrost engineering. He pioneered field and theoretical research on the thermal interaction of engineering structures with frozen soils and environment, pipeline laying methods in permafrost, and refrigeration systems in northern construction. He authored over 150 scientific publications, including four monographs and two reference books.
   In 1965, R. M. Kamensky founded the Vilyui Permafrost Research Station, a regional department of the Permafrost Institute, in Chernyshevsky, the site of the first major hydropower project on permafrost. He established an integrated observational program to monitor the thermal regime in the Vilyui dams and reservoir. His theoretical investigations on northern dam design were incorporated into the buildings codes and textbooks. Under his guidance the Vilyui station conducted permafrost investigations all over the West Yakutian Diamond District.
   Between 1977 and 1988 R.M. Kamensky headed the Igarka Permafrost Station of the Permafrost Institute. While at Igarka, he conducted pioneering experiments that led him to the development of construction and maintenance methods for ice platforms used in oil/gas exploratory and production drilling in the offshore Arctic seas. Successful investigations were conducted in support of the gas pipeline projects in shallow waters of western Yamal.
   From 1988 to 2003 R.M. Kamensky was director of the Permafrost Institute. At this position, he showed himself as a talented science administrator. His wise and able leadership helped the Institute go, with minimum losses, through the period of the toughest socio-economic crisis that hit the country in the 1990s.
   R.M. Kamensky trained many of the current generation of permafrost scientists and engineers. He was a scientific advisor to many Doctor and Candidate of Science awardees. He was a member of the Russian Permafrost Association, the International Permafrost Association’s Working Group, the Russian Academy of Sciences Council on Earth Cryology, the Thesis Council on Doctor of Science degree in engineering geology, permafrost science and soil engineering, and the editorial board of Earth’s Cryosphere and Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. R.M. Kamensky received three medals and the Golden Sigma with Diamonds award from the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch in recognition for his outstanding contributions to science and education.


Evgeny M. Katasonov, Ph.D. Geol.&Miner.


Years at MPI: 1955-1988

Dr. Katasonov was a prominent permafrost scientist whose pioneering research laid the foundation for cryolithology. The cryofacies method developed by Dr. Katasonov is widely used to reconstruct the depositional environments, mechanisms and processes of permafrost formation. He elaborated criteria for identifying and classifying syngenetically frozen ground. Particularly significant is Katasonov’s theory of permafrost existence in Siberia throughout the Quaternary period. He also found that Pleistocene continental sediments contain cryostructures which develop if the frozen substrate is at shallow depths. Over 27 years (1961-1988) he led the Laboratory of Frozen Quaternary Sediments at the Permafrost Institute in Yakutsk.

Important contributions:
-- Katasonov, E.M., Soloviev, P.A. Central Yakutia, Field Trip Guidebook. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1969. – 85 pp.
-- Kamensky, R.M., Katasonov, E.M., Nekrasov, I.A., Soloviev, P.A. Central and Western Yakutia. Field Trip Guidebook. Москва: Наука, 1973. – 55 pp.
-- Katasonov, E.M., Ivanov, M.S. Cryolithology of Central Yakutia. Field Trip Guidebook. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1973. – 37 pp.
--Grinenko, O.V., Katasonov, E.M., Baranova, Y.P. et al. Neogene and Pleistocene Deposits in Central Yakutia. Field Trip Guidebook. Якутск: ЯФ СО АН СССР, 1979. – 74 pp.
-- Katasonov, E.M., Ivanov, M.S., Pudov, G.G. et al. Structure and Absolute Geochronology of Alas Deposits in Central Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1979. – 95 pp.


Afanasy A. Mandarov, Ph.D. Eng.


Years at MPI: 1960–2003

A leading expert on agricultural land improvement in permafrost regions

Important contributions:

-- Gavriliev, P.P., Mandarov, A.A. Basin Irrigation of Meadows in Central Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1976. – 165 pp.
-- Gavriliev, P.P., Mandarov, A.A., Ugarov, I.S. Hydrothermal Reclamation of Agricultural Lands in Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1984. – 201 pp.
-- Ugarov, I.S., Mandarov, A.A. Overhead Irrigation of Fodder Crops in Central Yakutia. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 2000. – 127 pp.


Pavel I. Melnikov, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.


The founder and director of the Institute till 1988, full member of USSR AS, Hero of Socialistic Labor who made a great contribution to the development of permafrost geothermics, permafrost engineering research and regional hydrogeology


Evgeny A. Nechaev, D.Sc. Chem.


One of the pioneers in geochemical study of permafrost

Years at MPI: 1970–1981


Igor A. Nekrasov, D.Sc. Geogr., Prof.


A prominent researcher in the sphere of general and regional permafrost science

Years at MPI: 1962–1984

Important contributions:
-- Nekrasov, I.A. Permafrost in Yakutia. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1984. – 119 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A. Taliks in River Valleys and Distribution Patterns, Anadyr Basin. Москва: Наука, 1967. – 138 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Zabolotnik, S.I., Klimovsky, I.V., Shastkevich, Y.G. Permafrost on the Stanovoy Upland and Vitim Plateau. Москва: Наука, 1967. – 168 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A. Evolution of Knowledge on the Morphology and Temperature Field of Permafrost in the North-Eastern U.S.S.R.. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО АН СССР, ГПНТБ, 1971. – 36 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Popov, G.N. History of Permafrost and Periglacial Studies in the Baikal Area. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО АН СССР, ГПНТБ, 1971. – 73 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Selivanov, A.A. The Main Stages of Permafrost Research in the Far-Eastern U.S.S.R.. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО АН СССР, ГПНТБ, 1971. – 32 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Maximov, E.V., Klimovsky, I.V. Last Glaciation and Permafrost in the Southern Verkhoyansk Range. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1973. – 150 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Devyatkin, V.N. Permafrost Morphology in the Yana Basin and Adjacent Regions. Новосибирск: Наука, 1974. – 72 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A. Permafrost and Its Evolution in North-Eastern and Southern Siberia. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1976. – 244 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Klimovsky, I.V. Permafrost along the Baikal-Amur Railway. Новосибирск: Наука, 1978. – 120 pp.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Zabolotnik, S.I., Klimovsky. I.V. et al. The Baikal-Amur Railway. Geocryological Map, scale 1: 2,500,000. Москва: ГУГК, 1979. – 2 sheets.
-- Nekrasov, I.A., Sheikman, V.S. Inventory of Glaciers in the U.S.S.R., the Chersky Range. Ленинград: Гидрометеоиздат, 1981. – 88 pp.


Alexander V. Pavlov, D.Sc. Geogr.


A leading specialist in the field of thermophysical and monitoring research of permafrost

Years at MPI: 1966–1982

Important Contributions:
-- Pavlov, A.V., Olovin, B.A. Artificial Thawing of Frozen Ground by Solar Heat for Placer Mining. Новосибирск: Наука, 1974. – 182 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V. Heat Exchange between the Soil and Atmosphere in Northern and Temperate Latitudes of the U.S.S.R. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1975. – 302 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V., Konstantinov, I.P., Sukhodrovsky, V.L. et al. Guidelines for Construction Site Selection in the Tundra Zone and Engineering and Biological Restoration of Areas Disturbed by Gas-Line Construction. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1978. – 25 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V. Thermal Physics of Landscapes. Новосибирск: Наука, 1979. – 285 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V. Calculation and Control of the Soil Cryogenic Regime. Новосибирск: Наука, 1980. – 240 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V., Sukhodrovsky, V.L., Konstantinov, I.P. et al. Interim Guide for Landscape Protection during Gas-Line Construction in the Far North. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1980. – 50 pp.
-- Balobaev, V.T., Pavlov, A.V., Perlshtein, G.Z. et al. Thermophysical Investigations of Siberian Permafrost. Новосибирск: Наука, 1983. – 215 pp.
-- Pavlov, A.V. Energy Exchange in the Earth's Landscape Sphere. Новосибирск: Наука, 1984. – 256 pp.


Nikolai I. Saltykov, D.Sc. Eng., Prof.


One of the founders of permafrost engineering

Years at MPI: 1959–1964

Important contributions:
-- Drainage Systems in Permafrost Areas of the Far Northern European Part of the USSR (1944)
-- Foundations of Electrical Power Stations on Permafrost (1947)
-- Theoretical Basis of Foundation Design on Thawing Soils (1952)
-- Fundamentals of Geocryology (Permafrost Studies), Part II (co-author)
-- Foundations in Permafrost Regions (1959)


Dmitry M. Shesternev, D.Sc. Eng.


Years at MPI: 1986–2003, 2010–2019

Outstanding specialist in the field of general and engineering geocryology

Important contributions:
-- Shesternev, D.M., Yadrishchensky, G.E. Structure and Properties of the Udokan Permafrost. Новосибирск: Наука, 1990. – 125 pp.
-- Shesternev, D.M. Cryogenic Weathering of Clastic Deposits and Rocks in Permafrost Areas. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН: 1997. – 120 pp.
-- Shesternev, D.M. Cryohypergenesis and Geotechnical Properties of Permafrost. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2001. – 266 pp.
-- Filatov, A.V., Shesternev, D.M. Microwave Zero Radiometers for Ecosystem Studies. Якутск: Изд-во ИМЗ СО РАН, 2003. – 152 pp.
-- Ptitsyn, A.B., Yurgenson, G.A., Zamana, L.V., Shesternev, D.M. et al. Udokan: Geology, Ore Geology, and Development Conditions. Новосибирск: Наука, 2003.
-- Shesternev, D.M., Karasev, A.P., Olenchenko, V.V. Investigation of Permafrost by Early Stage Induced Polarization. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2003. – 238 pp.
-- Shesternev, D.M., Tataurov, S.B. Frost Action and Mercury-Containing Compounds in Mining Waste Rock. Якутск: Изд-во ИМЗ СО РАН, 2003. – 178 pp.
-- Shesternev, D.M. 2010. Engineering Geocryology: A Textbook. Чита: Читинский Государственный Университет. - 166 pp.


Petr A. Soloviev, Ph.D. Geogr.


A distinguished authority and expert on permafrost surveying and mapping, thermokarst and alas evolution
Years at MPI: 1940-1998

Important contributions:
-- Katasonov, E.M., Soloviev, P.A. Central Yakutia, Field Trip Guidebook. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1969. – 85 pp.
-- Kamensky, R.M., Katasonov, E.M., Nekrasov, I.A., Soloviev, P.A. Central and Western Yakutia. Field Trip Guidebook. Москва: Наука, 1973. – 55 pp.
-- Soloviev, P.A. Alas Thermokarst Topography in Central Yakutia. Field Trip Guidebook. Якутск: ИМЗ СО АН СССР, 1973. – 47 pp.
-- Sloyev, L.N., Seliverstov, A.P., Soloviev, P.A. et al. Design of Irrigation Dams for Central Yakutia. Якутск: Якутское кн. изд-во, 1976. – 235 pp.


Octaviy N. Tolstikhin, D.Sc. Geol.&Miner.


Outstanding expert in the fields of regional hydrogeology, hydrogeological mapping, icings and icing processes, and environmental studies

Years at MPI: 1963–1972, 2013–2019

Important contributions:
-- Hydrogeological Map of the Yakutian ASSR. Scale 1: 2,500,000. Compiled by N.N.Indoleva, R.S.Kononova, V.M.Piguzova, G.G.Stepanenko, and O.N.Tolstikhin. Якутск: ИМ СО АН СССР, Якутское Геологическое Управление МГ СССР, 1967. – 4 sheets.
-- Tolstikhin, O.N., Piguzova, V.M., Anisimova, N.P. et al. Hydrogeology of the USSR, vol. XX, Yakutian ASSR. Москва: Недра, 1970. – 383 pp.
-- Dmitriev, E.M., Tolstikhin, O.N. Use of Groundwater for Water Supply in the Yakutian ASSR: Prospects, Exploration and Extraction. Якутск: ИМЗ СО РАН, 1971. – 75 pp.
-- Glotov, V.E., Tolstikhin, O.N., Piguzova, V.M. et al. Hydrogeology of the USSR, vol. XXVI, North-East of the USSR. Москва: Недра, 1972. – 297 pp.
-- Tolstikhin N.I., Tolstikhin, O.N., Balobaev, V.T. et al. Permafrost Science. Новосибирск: Наука, 1974. – 290 pp.
-- Tolstikhin, O.N. Icings and Groundwater in the North-Eastern U.S.S.R. Новосибирск: Наука, 1974. – 163 pp.
-- Shepelev, V.V., Tolstikhin, O.N., Piguzova, V.M. et al. Permafrost and Hydrogeological Conditions in East Siberia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1984. – 191 pp.


Kirill F. Voitkovsky, D.Sc. Eng., Prof.


One of the leading specialists in the field of engineering permafrost, glacial and avalanche studies, Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation

Years at MPI: 1956–1966, 1981–2005

Important contributions:
-- Voitkovsky, K.F., Melnikov, P.I., Porkhaev, G.V. et al. Foundations on Frozen Ground in Yakutia. Москва: Наука, 1968. – 199 pp.
-- Voitkovsky, K.F. Mechanical Properties of Snow. Москва: Наука, 1977. – 126 pp.


Innokenty N. Votyakov, Ph.D. Eng.


A prominent representative of engineering geocryology who made a great contribution to the investigation of physical and mechanical properties of frozen ground

Years at MPI: 1949–1974

Important contributions:
-- Tsytovich, N.A., Votyakov, I.N., Ponomarev, V.D. Methodical Recommendations for Study of Thaw Settlement. Москва: Изд-во АН СССР, 1961. – 55 pp.
-- Votyakov, I.N. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Perennially Frozen Ground in Central Yakutia. Москва: Изд-во АН СССР, 1961. – 63 pp.
-- Votyakov, I.N. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Frozen and Thawing Soils in Yakutia. Новосибирск: Наука, 1975. – 176 pp.
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